30 September 2009
Home life must suck!
Life can pretty chaotic around this simple house. At times next to nothing gets accomplished other than some mundane yet vital tasks like ensuring the children are breathing and fed. The mornings are especially nutty as I am out on my bike before the kids get up and Christi is left to feed them, feed herself, and get dressed to leave upon my return. She always gets this accomplished and when I get home the house appears as if nothing untoward has happened in my absence. The kids are playing and she is dressed and ready to roll to the office. To the best of my knowledge she has never fired up the car and driven around the block to put on her make up as the lady pictured above has to do. At least 3 days a week she is parked, car on and idling, under the olive trees across the street and applying make up. This is either further proof that Christi is indeed the most efficient woman alive, or that the make up lady needs to get a little bit better organized. I am personally thankful that the make up lady at least stops her car before application.
29 September 2009
The new purse
Last weekend Christi jetted off to Houston for the weekend. She was visiting such a fine city to attend a baby shower for a friend she has known since third grade. The friend's mom purchased Pickle a little purse with a doggy on it. Pickle loves purses and puts anything on her arm that might resemble a purse. She also loves dogs. Combine the two and she has a new arm companion that makes her look like a miniscule Queen of England. I am trying to find her a collection of silly hats to wear to perfect the look.
17 September 2009
Towing Pickle
I set out to ride this morning only to turn around before the corner after deciding today would be a great day for a trailer ride with Pickle. The boy and I used to hit out on rides with the trailer that would last for a couple of hours. I think the longest he ever made it was a little over 2.5. I would make sure to swing by construction sites and houses where I knew something interesting was going on. There is a farm not too far from here that we would frequent that has pygmy goats, emus and a camel. This was a big hit. Today's ride was not long enough to head to the camel plot but we did take in some horses and the ever odd occurrence of a dog on a fence!

He didn't look too comfortable.

Pickle showing me the horses.

He didn't look too comfortable.

Pickle showing me the horses.
05 September 2009
Car is Totaled
I remember after my car was wrecked in college thinking how cool it would be if it was "totaled." It sounded pretty simple . . . I got a new car. It was cool then because my parents were nice enough to buy me a new car but I didn't give much thought to the "buy" part. It sounded like a simple exchange.
As an adult responsible for my own car payments, totaling a car is not so cool. Our beloved Wagon had been paid off and we were enjoying life without car payments . . . alas, that life will soon end. The insurance company has determined the car is a total loss and they are "buying" the wreck from us; admittedly at a very nice value. Even with what they insurance company is giving us, we will return to having a car payment for a little while.
As an adult responsible for my own car payments, totaling a car is not so cool. Our beloved Wagon had been paid off and we were enjoying life without car payments . . . alas, that life will soon end. The insurance company has determined the car is a total loss and they are "buying" the wreck from us; admittedly at a very nice value. Even with what they insurance company is giving us, we will return to having a car payment for a little while.
College Football
Good Saturday TV returns . . . and today is a perfect football watching day. It's cloudy and starting to drizzle so it will be a "nice" day in Phoenix. The kids have taken their cues from ESPN this morning and Pickle immediately ran off to return "ready for some football."
The Little Guy is having some identity issues. JP told him he couldn't put on his football uniform yet so he put on his baseball shorts and shirt (they have little baseball gloves all over them). He has on his LSU Crocs and a Sooners cap; then he convinced Pickle to put on a Sooners sock. They are excited although a bit confused. Geaux Tigers!
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