20 August 2012

Pickle hits Kindergarten

Not all first days are the same. Today was one of the unique ones. The girl known affectionately as Pickle joined the legions of legitimate schoolers by entering kindergarten. She has looked forward to this day all summer long and it was met with a great deal of enthusiasm. since the school age children had different start dates this year they were granted the freedom to choose the meals around their respective start dates. Pickle wanted tacos the night before, mini blueberry muffins for breakfast, and a dinner of pancakes after the first day.

11 August 2012

Dance Recital

In June after we returned from Florida Pickle participated in her first dance recital. She has been excitedly talking about it since January when the teacher started prepping them for being on the stage. After weekly classes, costume fittings, and pictures; the big day finally arrived. The performance turned out as you would expect from five 4-year-olds on stage but they all looked adorable. It was a very proud moment for me but most importantly I just loved her enthusiasm for the experience.

08 August 2012

3rd Grade

If it is August then it is time for the yearly back to school pictures. The Boy picked out his clothes last night but as I look back at last year's post I see that he has not branched out too much. He moves into another year but with a familiar teacher and many familiar faces from previous years. This is the first year he gets to ride his bike to school but he didn't hit out on it today. I broke down and drove him because of the usual bag of supplies. The parking lot was a zoo and I am glad it is not something that we have to navigate every morning.