24 December 2010


It's 9:51pm on Christmas Eve and believe it or not this is the first chance I have had in weeks to sit down and update the blog.  December started off very promising as I had a lot of days off scheduled to complete the many tasks needed for this time of year.  The first Sunday of the month I hosted a Cookie Exchange which was very enjoyable and then rolled into the 2nd week where I had to report to Jury Duty.  I have been amazed that I have made it this far into my life without ever receiving a summons.  My very first summons was for Federal Court and I was picked for the 6 day trial!  It was a drug case for two defendants and it was fascinating . . . like watching a movie or reading a good book.  It would have been really enjoyable if not for the fact that I had to keep up with work which meant I worked before I left for court, at lunch, and in the evenings.  It was like working two jobs and it was an exhausting two weeks.  During that time we decorated our tree, sent Christmas cards, and did a lot of shopping.  We hosted friends for holiday dinners and successfully mailed gifts to family in Louisiana.

Which brings us to tonight and getting ready for Santa to stop by the house.  It will be an insane morning but I am anticipating a lot of joy and excitement.  I hope I can stop and capture some of the moments on film and video to share and I hope we can stop and relish these moments.  I love the holiday season but it seems to start and finish so quickly and there is little time to just sit back and enjoy. 

May you enjoy your day tomorrow. 
With love,

09 December 2010

Tea Time with Pickle

One of the annual lessons given at school is the "Holiday Tea Table" and I was honored to go with Bubba each year that he was attending.  I wrote about it last year on the blog.  This year JP got to go with Pickle for her first tea time. 

JP reports that it went fine but it seems she doesn't know how to "sip" just yet.