06 June 2014

Hall bath


     A few months ago a weekend was forfeited by all to touch up the hall bath. The bathroom is ridiculously long and was most likely once split in two. But as it was when we bought it it is big enough to put a Murphy bed in and rent it out. It was ugly, though. The original plan was to split it up so more than one child could use the bathroom and brush teeth, or whatever it is they do in there, with a simulacrum of privacy. This plan was scratched though because one weekend was really all I wanted to give up at the time. Plan b was to remove tile and re-tile as well as paint wall and update the walls and vanity. I went with plan b. As you can see from the pictures I got some help. The children watched me use the jack hammer with their protective eye wear on and New Kid pulled out the lucky charms from between the tiles!

05 June 2014

Swim Team

 I have fond memories of being dragged to swim meets as a child. I remember my role as being a mere accompaniment as my sister was actually talented and I was too young to stay home by myself so I was made to go. It wasn't all bad though. As I recall we rode our bikes to practice and the swim club and I imagine I enjoyed that portion more than the swimming. I wasn't particularly fond of the weenie bikini I was forced to wear but I sure liked eating Jello out of a box with my finger! And so my children will now have the chance to form such memories.
  They have been asking for years if they could join the local swim club and associated team but it just hasn't worked out. Until now. Due to numerous circumstances we can't pack up the family van and take the big summer trip like years past so we are stuck in the desert for the summer. This means we needed something to do and swim team became the something. This week was the first meet of what sounds like very many. They weren't rock stars but neither child that participated needed to be rescued mid lap either so I deemed it a success.