21 September 2014

Pickle the Cheerleader

Pickle participates in Cheer Club at the elementary school which meets two days a week right after school. They learn basic cheers and practice a short dance routine for an end of semester assembly. The highlight for the club is their participation in the high school Homecoming Parade. Our elementary school and middle school sit in very close proximity to the high school and they all do a good job of creating a community among the schools. Pickle was VERY excited to be able to march in the parade and even took notes and studied for the event which JP shared on Instagram.

17 September 2014


Here are some of my favorite pictures from our trip this year.

 Last year we paired off with buddies - not a serious thing but more for fun - and the oldest member (Granddad) and the youngest (New Kid) were buddies. This year the grand kids seemed to pair off and these two were inseparable for a good part of the trip. He was kind enough to carry her on many of the hikes and would let her look over his shoulder while playing on his DS or doing other activities in the cabin. 

 We had a lot of rain this year and spent two days in "town" entertaining ourselves with whiffle ball games. Above is the pregame line up. Along with whiffle ball and the rain, I will also remember this trip as the year of the worms. Pickle enjoyed rescuing worms that had been left behind in puddles . . . no pictures of worms.

 We only had one bear visit this year and it was early one morning - only myself and the kids got to see him prowling around.

02 September 2014

First Day of School

Since most of the country returned to school today, I thought it was time we posted our first day of school pictures. The kids actually went back on August 12th and have (we think) settled into the routine. The Boy is now a 5th grader and Pickle is in 2nd grade!

New Kid went back to her Montessori School on the 11th as an official Pre-Kindergartner. This is her 3rd year at the school but now she goes all day and gets to take her lunch!