08 May 2014

Tercera, Derde, or Troisième

Any way you say it this one is a third! Today #3 turned 4 and she continues to be full of life and good humor. The picture above is from just after her first "big-girl" haircut and trip to to the salon. Another big milestone today was that she got to have gum. It took fewer than 5 minutes before she was back to report that she had swallowed it.

New Kid is well into the inquisitive stage asking many questions but rarely waiting for or agreeing with your answer. She is very much an individual but does often try to emulate her sister. She excels at swimming and is in the beginning stages of reading, but her favorite school lessons are the ones involving math. She is kind and thoughtful and always interested in how you are doing.

Life is moving quickly and she is growing up fast! Happy Birthday New Kid!