29 October 2008

Giving Back

One of my favorite bloggers that I follow brought up a topic yesterday about "Giving Back." You can read her post at http://farmfreshiowa.blogspot.com/2008/10/give-back.html. It got me thinking . . . here is my comment that I posted to her blog:

I think the term "give back" does not necessarily have to mean giving monetarily. When I think of "give back" it makes me think of giving to others to help spread the blessings that I have. People view wealth in different ways and regardless of my station in life I want others to have the same opportunities that I have had - education/ job/ family/ warmth/ love/ kindness (not necessarily in that order).

The challenge with any political cycle is that each side feels they need to label everything when in reality, I think, everyone is in agreement. Using terms like "give back" or "spread the wealth" are only used to incite ire, but both political parties are generally saying the same thing. We all want economic growth and we all want the opportunity to succeed - can't we all just agree on that.

Another example that really bothers me is "Pro-Choice" vs. "Pro-Life." Aren't we all Pro-Life? I don't think there is anyone out there that is "Pro-Abortion," but if you say you are "Pro-Choice" then many will look at you like you just killed someone. Again, is there really a need to be labeled?

I am doing my best to keep this blog non-partisan so I will not even get started on the most recent label that's out there: Pro-American. To quote a very funny SNL skit recently, "Really? Are you serious?"

1 comment:

Josh said...

you really could have used an interrobang! Unfortunately I can't get this platform to support it. We might have to move.