29 July 2009

The day Benny died!

Every quarter the bulk trash crew swoops into the alley with their "backed open" garbage truck, as the Boy calls it, and "Benny", yet another personified digger from "Bob the Builder". This event is anticipated with almost as much vigor as Christmas. Sometimes we see the garbage truck crews at the Burger King down the street and the Boy lights up with excitement and questions about when "Benny" is coming. he almost passed out with joy last week when we saw a parade of garbage trucks with their Benny counterparts on trailers behind them headed to our neighborhood.
Well today was the day they came. But it was a little different.
The whole clan went out there to watch the huge pile of junk that I have thrown in the alley over the past week and then it happened. Benny broke down. He just failed right there in front of the Boy. He was a little distraught with how Benny was just left behind but I assured him that he would be fixed.
About an hour later when we had just sat down for lunch a new truck grumbled down the alley and the Boy went running from the table. He rushed back in and asked if he could eat outside. It was well over 100℉ by now. He was allowed to go out and put lunch on hold. I bet the two guys working on the loader would have liked the Boy to stay in and have lunch as they were fielding questions for about 20 minutes. Mickey got in on the interrogating too.

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