16 October 2008

An Ordinary Day

This week's Real Life assignment is supposed to be a photo tour of an ordinary day but I forgot about it until the end of my work day so I'll give you a quick run down and then share the pictures we took after work.

5:35am Wake up before alarm . . . out of bed and to the gym
6-7 Treadmill (catch up on celebrity gossip by reading US), weights, situps
7-7:45 Feed Pickle, hang out with kids/ hubby, get coffee, shower (with Pickle) and begin getting ready for work
7:50 Log onto work computer to check emails
8-8:30 Supervise kids while hubby heads to Discount Tire, put on makeup, get dressed for work, drink more coffee
8:30 Put Pickle (Miss Grump) in bed, back to work on the computer
8:40 to 10 Work (this includes emails, calls to candidates, etc.) while JP takes Ranger to school and goes back to Discount Tire
10:15 - 10:45 Drive to work
10:45 - 11:15 Training on new voicemail system
11:15 - 12:00 Eat lunch (salmon with peanut butter sauce made by the caterer at the office) YUM!/ catch up with CC on the debate last night)
** I didn't get to watch the debate last night because one of my college sorority sisters was in town and we had her over for dinner! How fun!
12:00 - 5:00 Work, work, and more work . . . .
5:00 - 5:30 Drive home
5:30 - 6:00 Mow the yard - yep, I mowed the yard

6:00 - 6:30 Dinner (leftovers)
6:30 - 7:00 Pickle to bed, JP showered, I cleaned the kitchen, and Ranger talked to his grandad

7:00 - 7:30 Boot up computer to blog, PJs on Ranger, brush teeth, read two books

** Time to predict . . . but my evenings rarely differ . . .

7:30 - 8:00 Watch My Name is Earl while creating Real Life post . . . just love the DVR so we can pause TV while getting kids in bed and fast forward through commercials
8:00 - 9:00 Watch TV with hubby
9:00 - 9:45ish - Get ready for bed and read . . . then sleep

One of the requirements was to include a picture of the kitchen:This is just as I am about to finish cleaning up after dinner so it's not too bad. Had I remembered to take the picture earlier you would have seen lots of dishes on the counter and tupperware scattered over the floor (thanks to Pickle). What you can't see are the crushed Cheerios that I always feel like I'm stepping on.

At the far end are the cabinets . . . doors are being constructed and stained . . . we're almost there!

*** This was not an ordinary day from the perspective that I would normally leave for work much earlier than 10:15 but we had a tire emergency. I also don't typically mow the yard but I bet you could figure that out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You rock! I'm impressed how you can work and mommy. I could never get out the door...

I hear on the drink coffee. Drink More Coffee! I don't know how someone makes it through a day w/o caffeine.