We have been so sucked into the Olympics for the last 2 weeks that I haven't really wanted to take the time to blog. We watched the final hockey game this afternoon with a sigh of sadness not only because we lost but because the Olympics are now over. JP has been obsessed with Curling and watched almost every match so I am not sure what he will do with his afternoons now.
We've also been busy because Bubba started T-Ball 2 weeks ago. He has practice twice a week in the evenings so on those nights we have a quick dinner and then head over to practice to chase Pickle. He is really enjoying it and the group of kids are pretty entertaining to watch. I have a few pictures here from his first practice but the light is not that great. I hope to get better pictures a the season progresses; we expect games to start in mid-March.

Here is a picture of Pickle's new bedding that I promised to show . . . any one surprised that it has daisies?

Speaking of daisies . . . how cute are these?

I couldn't resist when I saw them at Target today as I am starting to get into baby mode. We have a lot of work to do to get Flora's room ready including clearing out the bed that is in there and painting. Then of course comes the fun task of washing and organizing all the clothes. We are only about 9 weeks away from her due date so we need to get going on some of these projects. Flora is doing great; she is an active baby which is good. I am growing bigger and get tired easily but I really don't have any complaints; it's been a pretty easy pregnancy and has gone by really fast.
We're heading into a busy March with bike races almost every weekend and then Bubba's Spring Break and 6th birthday. I am sure the month will go by quickly and then we will only be about 4-5 weeks away from Flora's arrival. I'll do my best to keep you updated throughout March.
Much Love,
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