16 August 2010

First Grade!

I am sure you recognize the setting by now. Today was Bubba's turn to stand, back against the wall, and have a photo taken to commemorate another first day of school. Although the first day of kindergarten was a momentous occasion, today marked his first day at the big public school down the street. A place that was once just a daunting citadel of a building, barely leered at while playing on the playground, is now his new educational home for the next 6 years.

Due to some arcane and misguided rule he cannot ride his bike to school this year I walked with him to make sure that all his school supplies got delivered. The scene was a bit chaotic to say the least. We eventually found his classroom and he got settled in to a little desk that had his name on it. I stayed for roll call and an overview of the day's schedule and then headed home to give a full report.

I have wondered what he is doing all day long and even Christi admitted to being too distracted to work due to her excitement! There is one hour until school is out and I can't wait to see him walking home from his first day at the big school.

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