16 February 2011

Pickle's First Fever

The title of this post is not a joke . . . I am pretty sure she has had her first fever of her whole life this week. She's had plenty of snotty colds and was always good for a surprise ear infection when she was an infant,(Seriously she never gave any sign of her ears bothering her; the doctor would look in and say, that one looks bad. Nuts!) but really this is the first time I can remember taking her temperature and actually having a fever.

I knew it was bad if JP reported that she had a fever on Monday but I am always too curious to accept the basic assessment so I insisted on using the thermometer and it was 101.4 - not too bad but definitely a fever. We sent her to school on Tuesday and she seemed fine (cranky but fine) yesterday afternoon. Last night she woke up about 11:30 calling for me . . . I go into her room and she says, "I want to sleep with you guys." This was an odd request because our children have always been great sleepers and the idea of sleeping in our room has never really come up. (And we'd like to keep it that way.) So I of course ask "why." And she says, "Because I love you." How sweet is that? Not a bad thing to be awakened by your 3 year old to be told she loves you . . . .

This was when I leaned in to give her a hug and thought her hot little hand was going to sear a handprint on my forearm. She was burning up. I REALLY wanted to take her temperature just to know the number but I decided to trust the "Mommy Thermometer" and just give her some Motrin (our Tylenol had expired - that's a problem with healthy kids) and get her back to sleep. Worked like a charm; she slept until about 7:30 this morning. Needless to say she stayed home from school today. Amazingly she is actually really pleasant when she is sick . . . .

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