08 June 2011

Harry Potter

The make up of The Boy's class last year was a combined 1-3 grades. This was both good and bad. The good is obviously the chance and opportunity to work above grade level; the bad was exposure to some non curriculum content that he, or I, might not be ready to handle. One such topic was the Harry Potter series. From what I understand there was a great deal of time spent discussing the tomes during lunch, recess, and when they were supposed to be doing other stuff in class. He generally knows the stories through and through without ever reading the books or seeing the movies. So we decided for his summer reading he could dive into the books. And dive in he did. He had the first two books finished by Tuesday night after starting them on the way home from camp on Sunday night! Part of letting him read the books was all reading members of the household were going to read them concurrently so we could discuss. This included me. I was a day late to start and now I am a book and a half behind! It appears I have some homework to do.


Kelli Beason said...

Coming from a teacher wow! I have lots of 3rd graders who think they can read Harry Potter but actually cannot. Alot of the wording is too hard for him. Best of luck in reading the series. Hope to see you all again soon.

Josh said...

He is begging Christi to read #3 but we told him he has to wait a little bit. He has since re-read numbers 1 & 2 again and again!

Kelli Beason said...

Goodness he is a very quick reader then. I just couldn't get into the series. Another good series maybe a little more age appropriate written on about a 4th-5th grade level is the Kane series or the Lightening Thief series. I read the Lightening Thief series books in about a day and loved them all!