There was "Tea Time" with Pickle at school and picking out and of course decorating the Christmas Tree. I also got to attend The Boy's classroom Gingerbread House decorating time which was a lot of fun; please note the icing in his hair.
Santa went BIG this year and it was a joyful morning of discovery and play. We were thrilled to once again have grandparents JoJo and Jay here for the holiday and the children were properly spoiled with extra attention, hugs, and Sprite. Below are some pictures from Christmas Day - a new bike (and a new sweatshirt) and a truck for the little one. "Truck" was one of her first words and it was what she would say when you asked her what she wanted for Christmas so Santa obliged! Looking back over the pictures from that morning I realized I don't have any of Pickle opening gifts; that was because she was off playing with something I am sure. One of her best gifts was a very simple baby stroller that Santa brought and it continues to be a big hit with both girls. She was also given a very neat "CD" player that plays music from the Disney Princess movies. As JoAnn said . . . "music soothes the savage beast" and she has been taking the player wherever she goes.
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