07 October 2012

Goodbye September, Hello October!

We've been missing. I wish I had some clever comments or funny stories to share to explain why we skipped an entire month of blogging but the truth of the matter is we just didn't have the time - or want to spend the time. When the day begins or the day is done I have to make sure we are spending time on the most important things - ourselves and the children - and sitting at the computer can not always be on the list. Oh, and there was that 3-week period in September when the computer took a vacation with the Geek Squad at Best Buy.

The Family had an interesting summer and I hope I can find some time to record some of the adventures and tribulations on the blog. We then rolled into the school year - as you saw in our only August posts - and I think we are still trying to get into a rhythm of homework that exponentially grew this year. We have also experienced the trials of growing up, making bad choices, and having the school Principal call us several days in a row. To say that I am glad September is over would be putting it mildly.

September is never my favorite month around here because I am always fooled by the weather. You would think after eleven previous Phoenix Septembers I would be prepared but unfortunately I still take it as a personal attack that the temperature chooses to stay above 100 degrees. It is already getting better though as we have the doors and windows open this morning enjoying a cool 70 degrees. We have also gotten the fall and Halloween decorations out which always brings a smile to everyone's face!

So Hello October . . . a busy one for sure as weeknights and weekends are already full of soccer, baseball, and bike races. It's time to contemplate once, twice, and three more times what we want to be for Halloween. It's time to open the doors in the morning and practice "Atmosphere Management" to keep the house cool throughout the day. It's time to enjoy the backyard and play at the park. Oh, and it's time for this:

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