08 November 2012

914 days

 914 days doesn't really sound like too much but in the case of New Kid that encompasses her entire post womb existence. Two and a half years really isn't too big a deal - she doesn't have a well visit or get any new shots. The half birthday is a random, and often forgotten, day on the calendar. But New Kid's half birthday this year saw her get to do something to which she has looked forward for as long as she can remember. This morning when we went to the little Montessori school down the street to drop Pickle off, New Kid got out! She stayed too . . . not as a try out or just for fun but as a student. Today was New Kid's first day of preschool.
After we dropped her off Christi was a bit emotional but the mid morning phone call from the teacher let us know that everything was fine and New Kid had assimilated into the routine like she had been there forever. She sang the songs on the line in the morning and although she was half a beat behind everyone else she belted out most of the words without any hesitation. We went to pick her up at noon because it will be awhile until she is an all day kid as they are known around our house and she looked to be having a great time. We got a further update as to how the rest of her morning went and it sounded great. I'm a bit disappointed that she can neither read nor count past 4 yet but I will try to be a bit more patient with this last little one.

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