31 March 2013

Happy Birthday

To my First Born on the day after your 9th birthday . . . 

Happy Birthday! You have now entered your 10th year and the last year of single digits; I do believe you are excited about this milestone. You are literally and figuratively straddling a turning point in your life and this paradox is demonstrated daily by your actions. You try hard to be a mature tough boy but at the same time are deeply sensitive and youthful. I love this about you and sometimes it breaks my heart as I watch you struggle with this dilemma as you react to something that has happened trying to hold back tears. You care so much for everyone and are always concerned with other's feelings. 

At this time your best friend is still Mickey and he still does everything with you and you tell him everything. Your favorite animal is the chipmunk and you get overly excited when you see one whether it is in a magazine or among the rocks in Colorado. Reading is still your most favorite activity and you fly through books like they are pamphlets. We are amazed you can read so fast and wonder if you really read every word, but you seem to comprehend as you pass the AR quizzes and test extremely well on reading level exams. You will read anything and typically you read it more than once! We're having a hard time finding books to keep up with your pace.

Baseball is your sport of choice and you have continued to play in the the local League every fall and spring. Most days you try very hard and have made some pretty awesome plays in the field just in the last month. You have also learned to play tennis but we have not done a great job of continuing lessons or practice outside of the camp you attend in the summer. I hope we can 
develop this skill more in the years to come. We just returned from your third year of skiing at Wolf Creek. The Wolf Pup instructors remember you from year -to-year which I think  means you are infamous . . . mostly for all the snowballs you throw! This year you spent your second day of ski school alone with "Big Dave" traversing the mountain including Treasure and Alberta lifts!

During this past year we also went to Florida and enjoyed the beach and waves with your cousins and then you got to stay in Louisiana spending 2 nights in Alexandria and several in Shreveport. This gave you a chance to have one-on-one time with your grandparents that was a priceless experience. You then flew home alone! This was something your Dad and I knew you could handle because we know you have the ability to be mature and independent. It is in these situations that I think you shine the most.

I am excited for the next several months particularly as you wrap up this school year which has been pretty tough for you. Your advanced class has tested us all and continues to push you to do more and work harder. We will see how you handle the last term but I predict some change in your academic direction which I think we all need. I have no doubts that you will excel in school no matter the setting and you will learn no matter the environment. You are an extremely smart kid! Speaking of school you recently made the Rubik's Cube team which has you totally pumped and you spend hours practicing your technique. What a an accomplishment!

We love you dearly and are very proud of you. You are a beautiful boy inside and out. Happy Birthday!

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