Jessica at Farm Fresh took a maternity leave from the "Real Life" posts but she's back with a request for "How We Roll" . . . pictures of our car.
As luck would have it, I just had my car cleaned and I de-cluttered the trunk. Had these pictures been requested 2 weeks ago you would have seen a trunk full of old baby clothes that I have tried to consign. Also in my trunk for a few weeks has been my old brakes. When I got new ones they offered to give me the old ones so I said sure. I'd rather put them in the alley for metal scavengers then have them put them in a dumpster behind their shop.
I roll in a 2000 Honda Accord that I bought from my mom in 2002. It is a great car and has held up well. JP just fixed my sun visor that had lost its hook and he cleaned out the melted crayons that were in the cup holder as well. Inside my car is pretty clean right now - just Ranger's extra booster seat for when I get to take him to school. I also keep on hand a pair of flip flops for when I get to sneak off to get a pedicure.
oh, that was too easy for you!!
ooh, I want to sneak off and get a pedicure!
I hear you on the melted crayons!
Love how you roll!
Ah the days of being able to fit my brood in a car. An actual car. So easy to zip in to a parking spot with. Oh and that reminds me, I need my brakes done!
Gotta love the Hondas!
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