Last night was one of those nights where I had the thought, "what have I gotten myself into with these kids?" Let me set the scene . . . .
It's the end of a VERY LONG work week, dinner is being served, and the kids are running around the house wearing capes (blankets chip-clipped to their clothes). Suddenly there is a *BOOM* as the boy hits the ground and erupts in crying. It appears he slipped on a stuffed rabbit that was left in the hallway and has hurt his head and back. I try to console him but he doesn't really want to be held or touched so we tell him to "buck up," stop crying, and get to the table to eat.
JP takes a stab at being compassionate and decides to check him out . . . . It seems I missed the two large scrapes on his back and the large growing knot on the back of his head. Now when the Little Guy is hurt he does not like us to touch his wounds or come near him so it was tough to truly gauge how bad he was hurt but we got some ice and all seemed to be well enough for dinner. Dinner was pretty normal which for us means that at least one kid was crying and/ or yelling; it just so happened that it was the elder child. He alternated between eating and whimpering.
We make it through dinner and get Pickle successfully in the bath tub where she happily plays for a few minutes. I grab the soap and shampoo and get ready to clean her up when I peer into the tub to find . . . POO! Yes, I did just share this lovely information. With a team effort I get her into our shower and cleaned up while JP disposes of the bath toys and other foul elements left behind. And my VERY LONG work week ends with me scrubbing the bath tub.
But then we tuck them into bed and get to gaze on their sweet sleeping faces and it is all worth it.