I know there were concerns out there in the world about the viability of Pickle given her natural proclivity for dangerous activities. After singing herself to sleep last night (Happy Birthday), she woke up this morning in a better than average mood and ran around the house searching for someone to say happy birthday to her.

Following her "Celebration of Life" at school this morning the class was treated to a visit from a fire truck which JP told her was because of her birthday. She really enjoyed it and told all her callers tonight about it. Other than her birthday it was a pretty normal day that concluded with a taco dinner and cupcakes.

We joke a lot about Pickle but she really is a joyful child. She has a unique and vibrant personality that can be happy one minute and whining the next; there is rarely a middle ground and dramatics are common. Pickle has thrived at school and her first report was glowing . . . we actually asked to make sure we had the right report. We're told she is "made for Montessori." She has a love of books like her brother and a true curiosity for life and adventure.

Pickle is not "sensitive" like her brother meaning she does not get her feelings hurt and I attribute this to her being bold and confident. She is very loving and is always willing to give hugs and kisses and she is very considerate of others and will be concerned if you are hurt or sick.

Happy Birthday Pickle! We are proud of you.
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