21 May 2011

I am married to my best friend.

Tomorrow JP and I will celebrate our 12th anniversary*. Marriage is amazingly easy for us but not without a lot of compromise and flexibility. I think our secret it just trying to anticipate what the other will need - a bike ride, gym time, tagging off when a child gets unruly, a hug, a night out, etc. and letting them have it. After dating, living with, and/ or being married to him for 15+ years I know that if he does not get to ride his bike, he is not enjoyable to be around. By the same token, he indulges my whims and supports whatever "kick" I am on at the time.

We also spend a lot of time together just hanging out. From the beginning we commented on the fact that we enjoyed going to the grocery store together and it was something we always did together before we had kids; to me this is the cornerstone of my exhibit. It is the simple things we love to do. I know there are many couples who don't hang out as much as we do - maybe it is because they have such opposite interests or can't agree on a TV program, but I think we are lucky (or maybe JP is lucky) that we do like the same things. Over the years I have developed interest in many of the things that he enjoys like baseball, cycling, snowboarding, among others and I choose to be a part of his world. I would much rather sit on the couch and watch baseball with him than be alone in my room watching something by myself. And compromise goes both ways; he has watched Dancing with the Stars with me for many seasons and will go see Harry Potter when I ask.

For our anniversary I have planned our whole day and night and just told him the details on Friday. This afternoon we are going to take off on foot from our house and catch the bus for downtown; this was a late addition to my plans I he was really excited about this aspect. We will be staying in a downtown hotel within walking distance of one of the best pizza places in town - Pizzeria Bianco - which we hope to be able to get in to eat. The one time we have tried previously the wait was 2 hours, but we hope to arrive around 4:30 to get an early start. After dinner my plan is to head to the ballpark for a Diamondbacks game; it has been a few years since just the two of us went to the game and I am looking forward to kicking back on our own. That's it - not a very classic anniversary date but certainly one that illustrates our simple tastes. I think he will really enjoy the day.

JP - I love you very much and am very pleased with our simple and enjoyable life. I truly could not ask for anything more . . . well, maybe a housekeeper but that is about it.

* As a footnote I don't really feel old enough to have been married this long.

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