Diaper Free and Proud to Be
In Her Big Girl Bed |
On Monday morning New Kid woke JP with the announcement that she still had on her underwear. He was a bit confused since he was sure he had put her in a diaper when getting ready for bed. (She had been getting up each morning and removing her diaper and putting on clean underwear and then her PJs back on so the fact that she had on underwear was not surprising.) She told him that she had changed into her underwear before going to sleep. And voila! We are a diaper-free house!
It is a good thing she made it through that night without an accident because we would have been VERY confused to be awakened to find a wet child and wet bed. The second night we were not lucky enough to make it through dry but at least we were mentally prepared for what would happen. These last two nights have gone smoothly and we are very proud of our big girl!
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