09 November 2009

Happy Birthday JP

Today is JPs birthday . . . and although he treats it as any other day, I know he is excited. Actually The Little Guy is more excited than anyone. That kid loves birthdays! JP and I have been buying gifts for each other all year . . . new floor, new cabinets, new sink, new faucet, new countertops . . . you get the picture so we agreed he didn't need anything for his birthday. BUT when you have kids you forget it's not very easy to explain that theory to them so I had to find things last night to wrap for him.

Luckily we had also just bought him an attachment for his pasta roller that is still in the box so I wrapped that up. To say The Little Guy was a little bummed by just one present is an understatement. "What else are you getting Daddy?" He was a bit disappointed with present opening time this morning. We are taking Dad out to his favorite restaurant tonight - Oregano's for a whole bunch of wings and pizza so he will be a happy man.

JP has been hard at work this year not only being a great Dad and husband but being Bob Villa as well. He has done an OUTSTANDING job on our remodel doing most of the heavy work himself and he deserves to have a really nice birthday. I am really proud of him and his fabulous skills around the house. By the way, he wants a new drill if anyone is looking for Christmas gift ideas.

With much love for the birthday boy,

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