There was a car accident this afternoon:

It was a slow moving accident in a parking lot . . . we were turning left and another car was cutting through and we hit head on.

No, my head did not hit the windshield. The compartment that holds the airbag flew up into the windshield, but it sure looks like my head hit, huh? JP even thought it. The cop was sure of it . . . even though my head was not injured at all.

The kids were with us and of course they were both pretty upset. The Little Guy started freaking out immediately trying to get out of the car which caused Pickle to get upset. My door was damaged so it took me a few minutes to get my bearings and get out to get her. In the end the only injury was too my leg:

Due to the stuff we had in the front seat with me, my legs were propped up a bit and the air bag cover scraped my leg causing a nice contusion/ abrasion. I believe it was also "burned" by the airbag because the pain feels like a burn and there is a bit of blistering.
We were on our way to go swimming with friends so I called to have Jer come get the kids and JP and I hung out for about 2 hours to handle the aftermath. Police response time was slow until a concerned citizen with some serious local connections called 911 again for us and two officers arrived within minutes. We are really grateful to him not only for helping us speed things along but also for buying water for us and being so generously caring.
Now we get to wait for the $$ estimate and navigate the insurance labyrinth. We'll keep you posted but I'm afraid we've seen the last of Wagon.
I am so glad that you and the kids and JP are all okay.
Hooray - only the Wagon is worse for wear - good news.
How long did it take for JP to use this occasion to explain Newton's laws of Motion? What a Motessori teaching moment!
I am so glad you all are ok..a parking lot crash..looks like you were traveling on Central Expwy. How are you feeling today? Love you.
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