I don't know where she gets it but pickle loves riding her bike. Although she took a nasty header on one of her first rides she continues to throw over a leg and beg to lap the block.
26 May 2010
Pickle Gets a Bike
I don't know where she gets it but pickle loves riding her bike. Although she took a nasty header on one of her first rides she continues to throw over a leg and beg to lap the block.
25 May 2010
The Boy's first Baseball Season
So Bubba has wrapped up his first season of baseball. He had an absolutely fabulous time. The year started off with a month of twice a week practices and progressed into twice a week games. His team played a total of 18 games. It sounds like a bunch but it really wasn't too time consuming. It was really fun to see both baseball skills as well as general knowledge of the game grow over the course of the season. The kids went from hitting each other in the face with the ball at the first practice to actually being able to play catch to warm-up before games towards the end of the year. Bubba had some issues with trying to play every position on the field at one time or running all the way to the next field when he ran through first base, but overall we are all very proud of the effort he put into it and the joy he took out of it.
Last week was the end of the year party at a local pizza place. The coach gave out awards and Bubba got the award for "most intense player". Shocking I know. I can only hope that his enthusiasm can hold over the summer and into next season maintained only with our games of catch and watching the game on TV.
22 May 2010
2 Weeks Old and 11 Years
Today I am two weeks old and I am happy to report that I have gotten back to (and beyond) my birth weight. At my check-up yesterday I weighed 8lbs 15oz and the doctor is very impressed with my progress. My days are filled with sleeping and I wake up occasionally to eat. I'm not a very efficient eater but Mom gives it her best and then lets me have more milk from the bottle so I can fill my tummy before my next nap. I am pretty good at sleeping even though it can get pretty loud around here and I am being very nice to Mom and only wake up once during the night to eat.
Today is also Mommy and Daddy's 11th wedding anniversary. They are going to stay home to celebrate since I am so new and my big sister does not make good choices at bed time. Daddy is going to grill Mommy a steak since she was not able to have a rare piece of meat when I was in her uterus. I know they hope to be able to have a real date out of the house some time soon . . . .
Today is also Mommy and Daddy's 11th wedding anniversary. They are going to stay home to celebrate since I am so new and my big sister does not make good choices at bed time. Daddy is going to grill Mommy a steak since she was not able to have a rare piece of meat when I was in her uterus. I know they hope to be able to have a real date out of the house some time soon . . . .
21 May 2010
My Little Sissa
Pickle really likes her Baby Sissa and that is exactly what she calls her. When she saw that I put her sister in a purple gingham outfit she ran to get her purple gingham dress! Hopefully the sisterly love lasts for many years.
20 May 2010
19 May 2010
Swim School Success
Pickle got a ribbon at swim school yesterday! She is very proud of it as you can see. It says "I rolled over all by myself and floated." She does a great job at swim school and we are feeling a little bit better about having her around pools this summer but she is still going to be quite the daredevil I'm sure.
Here is a current shot of her forehead . . . the glue has finally worn off leaving a perfect scar and a slight dent!
Here is a current shot of her forehead . . . the glue has finally worn off leaving a perfect scar and a slight dent!
14 May 2010
13 May 2010
The Fallacy of Postpartum (and your 3rd child)
I'm going to set the record straight. The reason postpartum women stay in their pajamas or yoga pants or sweatsuits all day has nothing to do with being tired and haggard. It has everything to do with the fact that we don't have anything to wear. Why would we want to go back to our "maternity" clothes that we have been so excited to ditch? I've spent the last several days going through my clothes trying to find anything that will fit that will hide the post-pregnancy imperfections. That belly that was so cute just 7 days ago looks frightening now and the last thing I need to hear when I go out is, when is your baby due?
Even though I just had my 3rd child I still went into the hospital thinking I would come out magically skinny again or close to it. I am not naive enough to assume I'd be back into my smaller sizes and sporting a bikini by Memorial Day, but I kind of thought I would be able to slide back into my "big girl" clothes to at least be presentable.
And even though I just labored and delivered a 3rd child doesn't mean I wasn't planning to get "right back into it" when it comes to working out. Just as it is easy to forget the parts of being pregnant that are unpleasant, it is easy to forget how hard it is to recover from delivering an 8lb 13oz baby. I remember being pregnant with Pickle and telling Bubba that "Mom can do that (get on the floor, give you a piggy-back ride, have you sit on my lap, etc.) as soon as the baby is born. And oh how I have once again forgotten that it is not that simple.
The point of this rambling is a chance to remind myself that it has just been 5 days since I did something pretty miraculous and it is okay to take it easy for a bit to let myself recover. (And it was just as hard the 3rd time around as it was the first two, by the way!) Giving birth is an amazing (albeit not an attractive) process and it took nine months to get my body ready for the experience; I might want to give myself at least 9 days (or weeks) to let it return to its original capabilities. I know I will once again walk as a normal human when my hips finally return to their previous position and one day I will be able to get off the couch and walk across the room with out people wondering what is wrong with me. And those cute summer clothes I am longing to wear, well it will still be 100 degrees here in September!
Even though I just had my 3rd child I still went into the hospital thinking I would come out magically skinny again or close to it. I am not naive enough to assume I'd be back into my smaller sizes and sporting a bikini by Memorial Day, but I kind of thought I would be able to slide back into my "big girl" clothes to at least be presentable.
And even though I just labored and delivered a 3rd child doesn't mean I wasn't planning to get "right back into it" when it comes to working out. Just as it is easy to forget the parts of being pregnant that are unpleasant, it is easy to forget how hard it is to recover from delivering an 8lb 13oz baby. I remember being pregnant with Pickle and telling Bubba that "Mom can do that (get on the floor, give you a piggy-back ride, have you sit on my lap, etc.) as soon as the baby is born. And oh how I have once again forgotten that it is not that simple.
The point of this rambling is a chance to remind myself that it has just been 5 days since I did something pretty miraculous and it is okay to take it easy for a bit to let myself recover. (And it was just as hard the 3rd time around as it was the first two, by the way!) Giving birth is an amazing (albeit not an attractive) process and it took nine months to get my body ready for the experience; I might want to give myself at least 9 days (or weeks) to let it return to its original capabilities. I know I will once again walk as a normal human when my hips finally return to their previous position and one day I will be able to get off the couch and walk across the room with out people wondering what is wrong with me. And those cute summer clothes I am longing to wear, well it will still be 100 degrees here in September!
12 May 2010
She's Here!
Another unplanned trip to the hospital ensued Friday, but this time we came home with more than glue on a forehead. Our beautiful daughter was born at 5:54am on Saturday morning weighing 8lbs 13 oz and measuring 20 inches.
First Photo
At 40 weeks and 2 days I went for my final OB appointment on Friday afternoon to discuss scheduling inducement. By the end of the appointment the doctor did not want to wait until the next day and she sent me off to the hospital. It was a combination of a few minor things but at my age and since I was already over 40 weeks she wanted to be cautious. Of course once I was hooked up on all the monitors they found no "variables" with the baby's heart rate and she was just fine.
Dr. Kathleen Schwartz, my fabulous doctor, who has delivered all 3 of our children.
I spent the night laboring with the help of some Pitocin and having had my membranes stripped at my appointment earlier that afternoon. Our room happened to be on the south side of the hospital and we had a great view of Chase Field and the after game fireworks! JP and I played Scrabble and some cards but once we figured out it was going to be a slow labor, I told him to put in his ear plugs and hit the couch. He got several good hours of sleep. I slept off and on and finally agreed to get my epidural which was just what I needed to be able to get a few hours myself. Similar to my other two labor experiences not much progress was made and I kept suggesting to the Resident and nurse that they just break my water. Finally they did just that at 4:15 and by 5:30 I was well-beyond ready to begin pushing. It took only 8 minutes of pushing and she arrived just as the gorgeous day dawned.
Boy, do I look tired or what?
We are truly blessed to have another healthy beautiful baby. JP and I agree that she looks just like her Bubba when he was born. Baby and I were able to come home on Sunday (Mother's Day) and we have all been adjusting to life as 5 instead of 4.
05 May 2010
It was just a matter of time
So we are indeed still without a third child. This did not prevent us from making an unscheduled trip to the hospital though. Monday night was going along just fine with dinner on the stove and the finishing touches to the salad being made when Pickle decided to conduct a number of physics and density tests using her head, a chair, and the coffee table. She quickly determined that her head will, in fact, not break the coffee table, but the coffee table will split open her head. You know how those pesky head wounds bleed and this was a gusher. I quickly scooped her up and called Christi to arrange for a meeting at the ER. Although Bubba was shaken by the experience, even asking "did she poke her eye out?!", he did a fantastic job of getting stuff to take with us to the hospital and then entertaining his sister in the car so she paid no attention to her new third eye in the middle of her forehead.
We went to Phoenix Children's which as you can imagine is well suited to seeing children. the entire hospital experience was pretty easy. Our good friend CeeCee came and took Bubba to dinner and then brought him home so he didn't have to hang out the hospital.
We got ushered to a bed in the hall and just hung out. I tried to make Christi as comfortable as a full term pregnant woman can be and Pickle asked everybody that walked by to "talk to me." A nurse came to clean out the wound and then the Dr. came to glue it together. Pickle did a great job. As you can see below she had a smile on her face almost the whole time and never once seemed troubled by her new forehead smile.
02 May 2010
01 May 2010
May 1st
We are very happy and somewhat relieved that we have made it to May 1st without giving birth. For a few different reasons we really wanted Flora's birthday to be in May and now we have at least that much guaranteed. We are also happy to tell you that we will almost definitely have our little addition by next Sunday - Mother's Day appropriately. When we saw the doctor yesterday she indicated that she would like to schedule the inducement for next weekend if nothing happens before then (I will be officially 40 weeks on the 5th.). Although I am very uncomfortable I am happy to wait another week as that will extend my maternity leave further into the summer and allow us to follow through on our vacation plans.
A week ago I was already dilated 2-3 centimeters, 50% effaced, and she was at -1; as of yesterday nothing had changed. This was a surprise to me as I have had a lot of contractions over the last week and there were a couple of nights where I thought we were headed to the hospital. I also did not gain any weight during the last week nor did I measure any bigger . . . still measuring a tad small so I'm thinking she will stay under 9lbs.
Here are some pictures of Flora:

Keep checking the site as we will provide updates and pictures as soon as we can. We have not had a lot of other stuff to report as we have been doing very little other than getting her room ready and staying on top of the general chores. Bubba will be wrapping up baseball in the next two weeks so I'll get some more pictures to share. He has had the best time and has really improved . . . in fact he and JP are out playing catch right now.
A week ago I was already dilated 2-3 centimeters, 50% effaced, and she was at -1; as of yesterday nothing had changed. This was a surprise to me as I have had a lot of contractions over the last week and there were a couple of nights where I thought we were headed to the hospital. I also did not gain any weight during the last week nor did I measure any bigger . . . still measuring a tad small so I'm thinking she will stay under 9lbs.
Here are some pictures of Flora:
Keep checking the site as we will provide updates and pictures as soon as we can. We have not had a lot of other stuff to report as we have been doing very little other than getting her room ready and staying on top of the general chores. Bubba will be wrapping up baseball in the next two weeks so I'll get some more pictures to share. He has had the best time and has really improved . . . in fact he and JP are out playing catch right now.
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