25 May 2010

The Boy's first Baseball Season

So Bubba has wrapped up his first season of baseball. He had an absolutely fabulous time. The year started off with a month of twice a week practices and progressed into twice a week games. His team played a total of 18 games. It sounds like a bunch but it really wasn't too time consuming. It was really fun to see both baseball skills as well as general knowledge of the game grow over the course of the season. The kids went from hitting each other in the face with the ball at the first practice to actually being able to play catch to warm-up before games towards the end of the year. Bubba had some issues with trying to play every position on the field at one time or running all the way to the next field when he ran through first base, but overall we are all very proud of the effort he put into it and the joy he took out of it.

Last week was the end of the year party at a local pizza place. The coach gave out awards and Bubba got the award for "most intense player". Shocking I know. I can only hope that his enthusiasm can hold over the summer and into next season maintained only with our games of catch and watching the game on TV.

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