A week ago I was already dilated 2-3 centimeters, 50% effaced, and she was at -1; as of yesterday nothing had changed. This was a surprise to me as I have had a lot of contractions over the last week and there were a couple of nights where I thought we were headed to the hospital. I also did not gain any weight during the last week nor did I measure any bigger . . . still measuring a tad small so I'm thinking she will stay under 9lbs.
Here are some pictures of Flora:
Keep checking the site as we will provide updates and pictures as soon as we can. We have not had a lot of other stuff to report as we have been doing very little other than getting her room ready and staying on top of the general chores. Bubba will be wrapping up baseball in the next two weeks so I'll get some more pictures to share. He has had the best time and has really improved . . . in fact he and JP are out playing catch right now.
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