So we are indeed still without a third child. This did not prevent us from making an unscheduled trip to the hospital though. Monday night was going along just fine with dinner on the stove and the finishing touches to the salad being made when Pickle decided to conduct a number of physics and density tests using her head, a chair, and the coffee table. She quickly determined that her head will, in fact, not break the coffee table, but the coffee table will split open her head. You know how those pesky head wounds bleed and this was a gusher. I quickly scooped her up and called Christi to arrange for a meeting at the ER. Although Bubba was shaken by the experience, even asking "did she poke her eye out?!", he did a fantastic job of getting stuff to take with us to the hospital and then entertaining his sister in the car so she paid no attention to her new third eye in the middle of her forehead.
We went to Phoenix Children's which as you can imagine is well suited to seeing children. the entire hospital experience was pretty easy. Our good friend CeeCee came and took Bubba to dinner and then brought him home so he didn't have to hang out the hospital.
We got ushered to a bed in the hall and just hung out. I tried to make Christi as comfortable as a full term pregnant woman can be and Pickle asked everybody that walked by to "talk to me." A nurse came to clean out the wound and then the Dr. came to glue it together. Pickle did a great job. As you can see below she had a smile on her face almost the whole time and never once seemed troubled by her new forehead smile.
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