Another unplanned trip to the hospital ensued Friday, but this time we came home with more than glue on a forehead. Our beautiful daughter was born at 5:54am on Saturday morning weighing 8lbs 13 oz and measuring 20 inches.
First Photo
At 40 weeks and 2 days I went for my final OB appointment on Friday afternoon to discuss scheduling inducement. By the end of the appointment the doctor did not want to wait until the next day and she sent me off to the hospital. It was a combination of a few minor things but at my age and since I was already over 40 weeks she wanted to be cautious. Of course once I was hooked up on all the monitors they found no "variables" with the baby's heart rate and she was just fine.
Dr. Kathleen Schwartz, my fabulous doctor, who has delivered all 3 of our children.
I spent the night laboring with the help of some Pitocin and having had my membranes stripped at my appointment earlier that afternoon. Our room happened to be on the south side of the hospital and we had a great view of Chase Field and the after game fireworks! JP and I played Scrabble and some cards but once we figured out it was going to be a slow labor, I told him to put in his ear plugs and hit the couch. He got several good hours of sleep. I slept off and on and finally agreed to get my epidural which was just what I needed to be able to get a few hours myself. Similar to my other two labor experiences not much progress was made and I kept suggesting to the Resident and nurse that they just break my water. Finally they did just that at 4:15 and by 5:30 I was well-beyond ready to begin pushing. It took only 8 minutes of pushing and she arrived just as the gorgeous day dawned.
Boy, do I look tired or what?
We are truly blessed to have another healthy beautiful baby. JP and I agree that she looks just like her Bubba when he was born. Baby and I were able to come home on Sunday (Mother's Day) and we have all been adjusting to life as 5 instead of 4.
1 comment:
She is just precious. Congrats on delivering vaginally. Not something I ever thought I would say. She's gorgeous and so are you! Go easy on yourself. You'll get back to where you need to be weight-wise without killing yourself. Your niece on this end is also gorgeous. Saw her yesterday and held her while she did her baby yawns and stretches - one forgets how precious those actions are. Please keep the photos up to date. I love to see all of them grow.
Lots of love,
Aunt Carolyn
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