I've already told JP to be ready for many years of tea with Pickle and now his next daughter. I am sure they will prefer to have tea with Daddy instead of Mommy!
11 December 2009
Tea with My Little Guy
I've already told JP to be ready for many years of tea with Pickle and now his next daughter. I am sure they will prefer to have tea with Daddy instead of Mommy!
10 December 2009
Pickle Rolls Through 2
Pickle's birthday celebration lasted a week beginning with her actual birthday on Monday, the 23rd. She started the day by opening presents and enjoying some cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

And more present opening later in the day . . .
And talking on the phone . . .
And finishing the day a with a dinner of waffles and bacon . . .
And topped off with a cupcake!
We had a small party for her the day after thanksgiving that resulted in MORE presents . . .
And of course cake!
A final present arrived last week . . . a very large dog! It was and still is a HUGE hit with Pickle!
And more present opening later in the day . . .
09 December 2009
Decorating the Tree
This year's tree decorating was successful, but it has gone downhill since Sunday night. Our beautiful tree seems to be slowly getting undecorated by the smallest member of our household. It still smells great and the lights are pretty but it's a bit crowded with ornaments at the top now.

It also looks a little sad without presents under the tree but since we will be seeing our family this year, no gifts have been sent so it will be a little bare until Santa comes. This is probably a good thing as I am sure there are some little hands that think they need to unwrap presents as soon as they arrive!
08 December 2009
Our Simple House had an interesting (?), exciting (?), and exhausting (yes) night last night. We had a rare rainy day yesterday that started light and gradual increased in intensity to a good steady rain and steady wind by the time we went to bed. Now, we have those wonderful attic vent contraptions that sound like jet engines when the wind blows so it was already a pretty loud storm when we turned out the lights. Around 11:20 JP and I woke up to a loud bang and bright lights outside our window which turned out to be the transformer exploding . . . needless to say the power was now out. Now having the power out in the middle of the night really isn't a big deal because it's not like we are running our heat; except we do have a little space heater in Pickle's room because she has a hard time staying under her covers and will wake up indignent that she is cold. Last night she woke up indignant (and a wee bit scared) at all the loud noises going on outside.
The wind had also blown open the door to our old metal storage shed and it kept banging around. So from about 11:20 to 12:30 JP and I listened to the shed door bang, the wind blow, and Pickle wimper. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and he went outside to close the shed and discovered the utility company already at work in our alley!
Quiet finally came back to the house until about 5:30 this morning when the chainsaws began . . . evidence that the workmen were still hard at work. The power was on when we woke up but was cut again around 6:45 (miraculously after the coffee finished brewing) so we had some early play time with headlamps and candles. The kids were fascinated by the big bucket trucks in the alley and the many workmen involved. It was an exciting morning at our house for sure!
The wind had also blown open the door to our old metal storage shed and it kept banging around. So from about 11:20 to 12:30 JP and I listened to the shed door bang, the wind blow, and Pickle wimper. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and he went outside to close the shed and discovered the utility company already at work in our alley!
Quiet finally came back to the house until about 5:30 this morning when the chainsaws began . . . evidence that the workmen were still hard at work. The power was on when we woke up but was cut again around 6:45 (miraculously after the coffee finished brewing) so we had some early play time with headlamps and candles. The kids were fascinated by the big bucket trucks in the alley and the many workmen involved. It was an exciting morning at our house for sure!
03 December 2009
Here it is . . .
The big news that we've been keeping a secret . . . we're having another baby and SHE will be here by May. Yes, I said SHE . . . we found out yesterday that we'll be having another girl. So that's it. That's the reason I've been so out of the blogging world lately . . . something about being nauseated and tired for a few months. It took all my energy to get up, go to work, and help with the kids each night. Now, I am feeling much better and have lots of energy which is perfect for this time of year.
We told the kids last night. Pickle really doesn't get it just yet, but she does love babies so I know she will be excited to have her own in the house. The Little Guy said "awesome" so we got his stamp of approval. He seems to be really excited about "being a big brother again" and about Pickle being a big sister.
I'm also really excited that my brother and his wife are also expecting a baby at the same time as us. It will be a lot of fun to have cousins so close together!
Stay tuned for several posts coming this weekend/ next week . . . will share pictures of Pickle's various birthday celebrations as well as scenes from tree decorating which we plan to do this weekend. I am also working on a post with before and after pictures of our remodel which I've been promising to do for over a month now!
We told the kids last night. Pickle really doesn't get it just yet, but she does love babies so I know she will be excited to have her own in the house. The Little Guy said "awesome" so we got his stamp of approval. He seems to be really excited about "being a big brother again" and about Pickle being a big sister.
I'm also really excited that my brother and his wife are also expecting a baby at the same time as us. It will be a lot of fun to have cousins so close together!
Stay tuned for several posts coming this weekend/ next week . . . will share pictures of Pickle's various birthday celebrations as well as scenes from tree decorating which we plan to do this weekend. I am also working on a post with before and after pictures of our remodel which I've been promising to do for over a month now!
27 November 2009
Giving Thanks
I am thankful that our Turkey was cooked perfectly (thank you JP!) and my homemade pies turned out pretty decent.
I am thankful my Grandfather is out of the hospital and doing better and that we will get to see him in December.
I am thankful that my husband knows how to repair vacuum cleaners.
I am thankful my children go to bed without complaint (most of the time).
I am thankful that I could watch the Parade yesterday while also cooking (in my newly opened up kitchen)!
I am thankful for the abundant sunshine and good weather we have had this week; now bring on some cooler temps and rainy weather to usher in "winter."
I am thankful that I only have 2 presents left to purchase and I will be finished Christmas shopping.
I am thankful for the generosity that will allow us to be in Louisiana this Christmastime to see our families!
I am thankful for the little girl in her bed calling out "Mommy" even though it is too early to get up.
I am thankful for the little boy who is still sleeping in his bed.
I am thankful for my husband who is still sleeping in his bed and will be more thankful when he is up.
I truly have much for which to be thankful. We are very blessed, healthy, and happy and there is nothing more I need in life than knowing that everyday.
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that you remember to give thanks every day!
I am thankful my Grandfather is out of the hospital and doing better and that we will get to see him in December.
I am thankful that my husband knows how to repair vacuum cleaners.
I am thankful my children go to bed without complaint (most of the time).
I am thankful that I could watch the Parade yesterday while also cooking (in my newly opened up kitchen)!
I am thankful for the abundant sunshine and good weather we have had this week; now bring on some cooler temps and rainy weather to usher in "winter."
I am thankful that I only have 2 presents left to purchase and I will be finished Christmas shopping.
I am thankful for the generosity that will allow us to be in Louisiana this Christmastime to see our families!
I am thankful for the little girl in her bed calling out "Mommy" even though it is too early to get up.
I am thankful for the little boy who is still sleeping in his bed.
I am thankful for my husband who is still sleeping in his bed and will be more thankful when he is up.
I truly have much for which to be thankful. We are very blessed, healthy, and happy and there is nothing more I need in life than knowing that everyday.
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that you remember to give thanks every day!
23 November 2009
It's My Birthday
It's my birthday and I am TWO today! I'm full of trouble and love to test my parents by climbing as high as I can and getting into all kinds of stuff that is not mine. I smile often but can attempt a good tantrum if I don't get what I want . . . I just don't understand why that makes my parents laugh so much. My vocabulary is growing every day and I'm getting better at telling Mommy and Daddy what I want. I love to take baths and go night-night and I love Elmo and Minnie Mouse. My favorite meal is breakfast (I'll eat any version of it) and my favorite foods are fruits and pastas. My best friend is my brother and I love to play Legos and Choo-Choos with him and of course I love to play in the sand and dirt!
13 November 2009
Super Van
Those of you scoring at home remember the little shunt the VW got into. That was the end of the much beloved wagon. So after much discussion a new vehicle was decided upon and it is a minivan.
It is a great vehicle to say the least. We went with another Honda which probably brings our family aggregate total to 5 or 6. We bought it used because the new prices are just ridiculous. Obviously it gets worse gas mileage than the wagon did, but I have tried to adjust driving habits such that I just don't drive as much. Since the Boy wants to ride his bike to school that cuts out the most often made trip. For road trips the MPG won't change very much because we now have enough room to not have the big roof box on top.
It is a great vehicle to say the least. We went with another Honda which probably brings our family aggregate total to 5 or 6. We bought it used because the new prices are just ridiculous. Obviously it gets worse gas mileage than the wagon did, but I have tried to adjust driving habits such that I just don't drive as much. Since the Boy wants to ride his bike to school that cuts out the most often made trip. For road trips the MPG won't change very much because we now have enough room to not have the big roof box on top.
12 November 2009
The Big Hill
Over the weekend of the 24th and 25th of October we headed to Flagstaff for the opening 2 races of the Arizona Cyclocross season. Cyclocross is another style of bike racing usually taking place in a park. It is both off and on road and takes place on road bikes with a little thicker tires to allow for grip when off road. It happens to be my favorite style of racing, but we do not have very many races in our season so one cannot focus on just that.
The races in Flag took place at Sinagua High School. Near the start/finish area was a giant hill and the Boy saw it immediately upon his arrival. He needed help getting his bike up there but just hopped on and rode right down first try. Below is a slideshow of one of his attempts later in the day. After the racing was done on Sunday he asked if we could take a lap of the course. He did a great job and when we got to the big hill he wanted to go again. He pushed his bike up there, mounted it, and just bombed down the hill one last time. You can see by the ear to ear grin he is sporting that it was just as much fun as it was the innumerable times preceding this one.
The races in Flag took place at Sinagua High School. Near the start/finish area was a giant hill and the Boy saw it immediately upon his arrival. He needed help getting his bike up there but just hopped on and rode right down first try. Below is a slideshow of one of his attempts later in the day. After the racing was done on Sunday he asked if we could take a lap of the course. He did a great job and when we got to the big hill he wanted to go again. He pushed his bike up there, mounted it, and just bombed down the hill one last time. You can see by the ear to ear grin he is sporting that it was just as much fun as it was the innumerable times preceding this one.
11 November 2009
Riding to school
We worked it out and today was the first day he got to ride his bike to school. So we loaded up the trailer with some items for Pickles entertainment and off we went. I had to remind him a number of times where to ride and how to behave when coming to unmarked intersections and when passing other people but he did a fantastic job! I am very proud of him as it turned out to be 3.2 miles and that is a fair distance when you are less than 3 feet tall and on a bike with 20 inch wheels. There was not a single complaint, issue, or problem so I am hopeful that we can do it a little more often in the future.
09 November 2009
Happy Birthday JP
Today is JPs birthday . . . and although he treats it as any other day, I know he is excited. Actually The Little Guy is more excited than anyone. That kid loves birthdays! JP and I have been buying gifts for each other all year . . . new floor, new cabinets, new sink, new faucet, new countertops . . . you get the picture so we agreed he didn't need anything for his birthday. BUT when you have kids you forget it's not very easy to explain that theory to them so I had to find things last night to wrap for him.
Luckily we had also just bought him an attachment for his pasta roller that is still in the box so I wrapped that up. To say The Little Guy was a little bummed by just one present is an understatement. "What else are you getting Daddy?" He was a bit disappointed with present opening time this morning. We are taking Dad out to his favorite restaurant tonight - Oregano's for a whole bunch of wings and pizza so he will be a happy man.
JP has been hard at work this year not only being a great Dad and husband but being Bob Villa as well. He has done an OUTSTANDING job on our remodel doing most of the heavy work himself and he deserves to have a really nice birthday. I am really proud of him and his fabulous skills around the house. By the way, he wants a new drill if anyone is looking for Christmas gift ideas.
With much love for the birthday boy,
Luckily we had also just bought him an attachment for his pasta roller that is still in the box so I wrapped that up. To say The Little Guy was a little bummed by just one present is an understatement. "What else are you getting Daddy?" He was a bit disappointed with present opening time this morning. We are taking Dad out to his favorite restaurant tonight - Oregano's for a whole bunch of wings and pizza so he will be a happy man.
JP has been hard at work this year not only being a great Dad and husband but being Bob Villa as well. He has done an OUTSTANDING job on our remodel doing most of the heavy work himself and he deserves to have a really nice birthday. I am really proud of him and his fabulous skills around the house. By the way, he wants a new drill if anyone is looking for Christmas gift ideas.
With much love for the birthday boy,
06 November 2009
05 November 2009
With Halloween occuring on a Saturday and our countertops being installed in the nick of time it was a perfect excuse to have a party! We also enjoy sitting on our front patio waiting for trick-or-treaters. The usual crowd was in attendance but my pictures are only of the kids. Other cameras captured pictures of the adults and I hope to get copies of them so I can share some of the great costumes!
We all agree this is JP's best carving work to date. It looked fabulous on Halloween night all lit up!
Pickle enjoying a sucker . . . that hand is her friend who is also 2. There was a lot of fighting over that sucker . . . his parents wouldn't let him have candy but he figured out how to get some!
This about sums up what Pickle thought of Halloween.
Here they are . . .
And the whole gang - we were very safe with a whole Frie Brigade!

Here is Pickle parked at the food table . . . she learned the inevitable skill of "Olive Fingers."
28 October 2009
So I think this is obvious but I really haven't been blogging a lot lately. In fact I was shocked to see that we haven't posted anything since September and now we are almost through the month of October with nothing to show on the Blog. I promise to give full dislcosure for my lack of blogging but I can tell you it all started with the car accident and then things went a bit crazy around here for a little while. It was something about looking at the Blog and seeing the photos from the accident that made me not want to look at the Blog; wierd I know but I just really figured that out recently. JP has been kind enough to post a few things since then so I don't have to see those pictures. We have since replaced the car - should have blogged about that - so we are riding mighty fine in the "Super Van."
I think my craziness has settled and I will share with you in the next couple of days pictures and stories from . . . 1) our recent weekend to Flagstaff, 2) the Little Guy's School International Festival coming up tomorrow night, and 3) Halloween. We are moving into the best part of the year here in Phoenix and the weather turned cold quickly - 86 degrees yesterday compared to not even 60 degrees today! It definitely feels like fall around here which will be great for the weekend.
And the most fabulous news of all . . . COUNTERTOPS will be installed tomorrow. It is a two-day process so by Friday night we should have new countertops, new backsplash, new sink, and new faucet installed and the kitchen will be COMPLETE! Can I get an AMEN? I can not wait to share pictures of the final product.
Thanks for being patient . . . hope we haven't lost any readers over the last month. I promise my absence has been for good reason.
I think my craziness has settled and I will share with you in the next couple of days pictures and stories from . . . 1) our recent weekend to Flagstaff, 2) the Little Guy's School International Festival coming up tomorrow night, and 3) Halloween. We are moving into the best part of the year here in Phoenix and the weather turned cold quickly - 86 degrees yesterday compared to not even 60 degrees today! It definitely feels like fall around here which will be great for the weekend.
And the most fabulous news of all . . . COUNTERTOPS will be installed tomorrow. It is a two-day process so by Friday night we should have new countertops, new backsplash, new sink, and new faucet installed and the kitchen will be COMPLETE! Can I get an AMEN? I can not wait to share pictures of the final product.
Thanks for being patient . . . hope we haven't lost any readers over the last month. I promise my absence has been for good reason.
30 September 2009
Home life must suck!
Life can pretty chaotic around this simple house. At times next to nothing gets accomplished other than some mundane yet vital tasks like ensuring the children are breathing and fed. The mornings are especially nutty as I am out on my bike before the kids get up and Christi is left to feed them, feed herself, and get dressed to leave upon my return. She always gets this accomplished and when I get home the house appears as if nothing untoward has happened in my absence. The kids are playing and she is dressed and ready to roll to the office. To the best of my knowledge she has never fired up the car and driven around the block to put on her make up as the lady pictured above has to do. At least 3 days a week she is parked, car on and idling, under the olive trees across the street and applying make up. This is either further proof that Christi is indeed the most efficient woman alive, or that the make up lady needs to get a little bit better organized. I am personally thankful that the make up lady at least stops her car before application.
29 September 2009
The new purse
Last weekend Christi jetted off to Houston for the weekend. She was visiting such a fine city to attend a baby shower for a friend she has known since third grade. The friend's mom purchased Pickle a little purse with a doggy on it. Pickle loves purses and puts anything on her arm that might resemble a purse. She also loves dogs. Combine the two and she has a new arm companion that makes her look like a miniscule Queen of England. I am trying to find her a collection of silly hats to wear to perfect the look.
17 September 2009
Towing Pickle
I set out to ride this morning only to turn around before the corner after deciding today would be a great day for a trailer ride with Pickle. The boy and I used to hit out on rides with the trailer that would last for a couple of hours. I think the longest he ever made it was a little over 2.5. I would make sure to swing by construction sites and houses where I knew something interesting was going on. There is a farm not too far from here that we would frequent that has pygmy goats, emus and a camel. This was a big hit. Today's ride was not long enough to head to the camel plot but we did take in some horses and the ever odd occurrence of a dog on a fence!

He didn't look too comfortable.

Pickle showing me the horses.

He didn't look too comfortable.

Pickle showing me the horses.
05 September 2009
Car is Totaled
I remember after my car was wrecked in college thinking how cool it would be if it was "totaled." It sounded pretty simple . . . I got a new car. It was cool then because my parents were nice enough to buy me a new car but I didn't give much thought to the "buy" part. It sounded like a simple exchange.
As an adult responsible for my own car payments, totaling a car is not so cool. Our beloved Wagon had been paid off and we were enjoying life without car payments . . . alas, that life will soon end. The insurance company has determined the car is a total loss and they are "buying" the wreck from us; admittedly at a very nice value. Even with what they insurance company is giving us, we will return to having a car payment for a little while.
As an adult responsible for my own car payments, totaling a car is not so cool. Our beloved Wagon had been paid off and we were enjoying life without car payments . . . alas, that life will soon end. The insurance company has determined the car is a total loss and they are "buying" the wreck from us; admittedly at a very nice value. Even with what they insurance company is giving us, we will return to having a car payment for a little while.
College Football
Good Saturday TV returns . . . and today is a perfect football watching day. It's cloudy and starting to drizzle so it will be a "nice" day in Phoenix. The kids have taken their cues from ESPN this morning and Pickle immediately ran off to return "ready for some football."
The Little Guy is having some identity issues. JP told him he couldn't put on his football uniform yet so he put on his baseball shorts and shirt (they have little baseball gloves all over them). He has on his LSU Crocs and a Sooners cap; then he convinced Pickle to put on a Sooners sock. They are excited although a bit confused. Geaux Tigers!
30 August 2009
Everyone's Okay . . .
There was a car accident this afternoon:
It was a slow moving accident in a parking lot . . . we were turning left and another car was cutting through and we hit head on.
No, my head did not hit the windshield. The compartment that holds the airbag flew up into the windshield, but it sure looks like my head hit, huh? JP even thought it. The cop was sure of it . . . even though my head was not injured at all.
The kids were with us and of course they were both pretty upset. The Little Guy started freaking out immediately trying to get out of the car which caused Pickle to get upset. My door was damaged so it took me a few minutes to get my bearings and get out to get her. In the end the only injury was too my leg:
Due to the stuff we had in the front seat with me, my legs were propped up a bit and the air bag cover scraped my leg causing a nice contusion/ abrasion. I believe it was also "burned" by the airbag because the pain feels like a burn and there is a bit of blistering.
We were on our way to go swimming with friends so I called to have Jer come get the kids and JP and I hung out for about 2 hours to handle the aftermath. Police response time was slow until a concerned citizen with some serious local connections called 911 again for us and two officers arrived within minutes. We are really grateful to him not only for helping us speed things along but also for buying water for us and being so generously caring.
Now we get to wait for the $$ estimate and navigate the insurance labyrinth. We'll keep you posted but I'm afraid we've seen the last of Wagon.

We were on our way to go swimming with friends so I called to have Jer come get the kids and JP and I hung out for about 2 hours to handle the aftermath. Police response time was slow until a concerned citizen with some serious local connections called 911 again for us and two officers arrived within minutes. We are really grateful to him not only for helping us speed things along but also for buying water for us and being so generously caring.
Now we get to wait for the $$ estimate and navigate the insurance labyrinth. We'll keep you posted but I'm afraid we've seen the last of Wagon.
More Posts and Pictures Coming
Who wants to see vacation pictures? I feel a little cheesy sharing my vacation pictures . . . like the old sitcom scene where you make your guests sit and watch 300 slides of your trip. Well, this is what this site is for so I will be posting them soon whether you want to see them or not.
And how long have I been promising updated pictures of the house? I will take some snaps today and put them on to view later this week with an update on progress.
Last night we had our good friends over for dinner. I was in a mood to cook so I made these ribs again, a new baked bean recipe from Pioneer Woman, and a potato salad with vinaigrette dressing from Cooking Light. The ribs were tasty but the meat wasn't falling off the bone like last time. I will take more care in the boiling process the next time I do them; I think that makes all the difference. The baked beans were really good and there were lots of compliments . . . even JP liked them and he is not a huge baked bean fan. The potato salad was okay. I think I would tweak it to have some roasted garlic or something to give it a bit more flavor.
We had lots of tasty snacks to munch on pre-dinner and we could have probably stopped there. I made what I thought would be a cheesy vegetable dip but it turned out to have more of a cheeseball consistency so it was good with crackers at least. Lo brought Brie and crackers which was a nice treat and a yummy jar Bruschetta mix that was good on bread. I think we ate well last night!
The food was good but it was quite a zoo in here! With my wild children plus Lo and Jer's (almost) 4-year-old and another (almost) 2-yr-old it was pretty wild! The crazy thing is that there is an infant and another on the way (Kel is due in December) that will make our get together's even louder and crazier. It's kind of fun and they all get along really great for the most part. Pickle and her "boyfriend" (Kel's son) just fight over toys because whatever he has in his hands, Pickle wants and then she steals it and runs away and he chases her. I think it's hilarious.
And how long have I been promising updated pictures of the house? I will take some snaps today and put them on to view later this week with an update on progress.
Last night we had our good friends over for dinner. I was in a mood to cook so I made these ribs again, a new baked bean recipe from Pioneer Woman, and a potato salad with vinaigrette dressing from Cooking Light. The ribs were tasty but the meat wasn't falling off the bone like last time. I will take more care in the boiling process the next time I do them; I think that makes all the difference. The baked beans were really good and there were lots of compliments . . . even JP liked them and he is not a huge baked bean fan. The potato salad was okay. I think I would tweak it to have some roasted garlic or something to give it a bit more flavor.
We had lots of tasty snacks to munch on pre-dinner and we could have probably stopped there. I made what I thought would be a cheesy vegetable dip but it turned out to have more of a cheeseball consistency so it was good with crackers at least. Lo brought Brie and crackers which was a nice treat and a yummy jar Bruschetta mix that was good on bread. I think we ate well last night!
The food was good but it was quite a zoo in here! With my wild children plus Lo and Jer's (almost) 4-year-old and another (almost) 2-yr-old it was pretty wild! The crazy thing is that there is an infant and another on the way (Kel is due in December) that will make our get together's even louder and crazier. It's kind of fun and they all get along really great for the most part. Pickle and her "boyfriend" (Kel's son) just fight over toys because whatever he has in his hands, Pickle wants and then she steals it and runs away and he chases her. I think it's hilarious.
27 August 2009
24 August 2009
Me and the Kids at the Zoo
The "experience" takes place every day from 9 am to 10am so we made our way around the zoo and ended up in the area around 8:40. I knew we were in the right place because we were greeted with this:
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