Did you like the Oscars on Sunday night? I did. I really liked the change in format as I thought it went much faster and then gave them the time they needed to highlight each nominee in the acting categories. (Perhaps it went faster because I was able to fast forward through the boring parts and most of the speeches.)
Do you like Brad and Angelina? I do. Not sure why people have strong feelings one way or another about this couple. Their "scandalous" relationship is nothing different from the years of Elizabeth Taylor and her alleged husband stealing. The difference is now we can track people's lives via the internet.
Speaking of that . . . it really bothered me when President Clinton was taken to task about his philandering. Is it right for a married man to act that way? No, of course not but is he the first President to do so? No, nor is he the first politician to do so. I bet MANY of those Congressmen had/ have sordid secrets they wouldn't want publicized on television and the internet.
But I digress . . . I did title this post "Random Thoughts" . . . maybe it should be "Rambling Thoughts."
Speaking of tracking people on the internet . . . I am following some interesting people on Twitter. Do you Twitter? You can follow me at cjchristensen6. My life's not that interesting but I think that is what is fun about it. I also get news updates via Twitter which is nice during the day.
Pickle is currently testing me. She is being told not to touch the plant but she keeps doing it with her foot and then looking at me. She is pure trouble . . . kept her Dad on his toes yesterday climbing on various tables and dancing.
Little Guy is home sick from school today. He gets sick so fast. We were at the bike race last night and he just looked so tired then he is freezing and then he is asleep in the car within an hour. I am guessing his temperature was around 103 last night when we put him to bed with a does of Tylenol. Another dose at 3am and he is feeling fine this morning . . . but we're keeping him home anyway.
26 February 2009
24 February 2009
23 February 2009
Daybook - February 23rd
Here is the link to The Simple Woman's Day Book:http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
FOR TODAY February 23rd . . .
Outside my window. . . slightly overcast with sun trying to peak out . . . gonna be a nice warm 84 degrees today!
I am thinking . . . that I have a lot of things I want (maybe need) to do today instead of work.
I am thankful for . . . the VERY lazy Sunday we had yesterday.
From the kitchen . . . made "Navarre Brisket" for dinner last night. It cooked for almost 24 hours and was just delicious. We'll be eating it 3 other ways this week as well! I also made a sort of Manicotti (with Lasagna noodles) cheese roll up casserole last night which we will be eating tonight. I am pretty proud of it because I had all the ingredients on hand and made it up as I went along!
I am wearing . . . black pants and a black t-shirt with big flowers on it . . . didn't feel like getting too dressed up for work today.
I am creating . . . not much of anything right now.
I am going . . . no where really special this week.
I am reading . . . still reading The Kitchen Boy but I also started Track of the Cat by Nevada Barr this weekend.
I am hoping . . . (still hoping) we can wrap up Pickle's room this week - just a few more baseboards and we'll be finished!
I am hearing . . . a somewhat noisy air system here at work (shhh, yes I'm at work).
Around the house . . . not sure what it looks like right now but I had it pretty clean this weekend (or as clean as I can get that nasty tile).
One of my favorite things . . . I have so many favorite things but as I told JP last night . . . I love having our meals planned and even prepared when we go to bed on Sunday. It just makes the week run smoother!
A few plans for the rest of the week: JP has a bike race on Wednesday night so we do the whole kid handoff thing at the race. I have Bunco on Saturday night . . . that's about it!
FOR TODAY February 23rd . . .
Outside my window. . . slightly overcast with sun trying to peak out . . . gonna be a nice warm 84 degrees today!
I am thinking . . . that I have a lot of things I want (maybe need) to do today instead of work.
I am thankful for . . . the VERY lazy Sunday we had yesterday.
From the kitchen . . . made "Navarre Brisket" for dinner last night. It cooked for almost 24 hours and was just delicious. We'll be eating it 3 other ways this week as well! I also made a sort of Manicotti (with Lasagna noodles) cheese roll up casserole last night which we will be eating tonight. I am pretty proud of it because I had all the ingredients on hand and made it up as I went along!
I am wearing . . . black pants and a black t-shirt with big flowers on it . . . didn't feel like getting too dressed up for work today.
I am creating . . . not much of anything right now.
I am going . . . no where really special this week.
I am reading . . . still reading The Kitchen Boy but I also started Track of the Cat by Nevada Barr this weekend.
I am hoping . . . (still hoping) we can wrap up Pickle's room this week - just a few more baseboards and we'll be finished!
I am hearing . . . a somewhat noisy air system here at work (shhh, yes I'm at work).
Around the house . . . not sure what it looks like right now but I had it pretty clean this weekend (or as clean as I can get that nasty tile).
One of my favorite things . . . I have so many favorite things but as I told JP last night . . . I love having our meals planned and even prepared when we go to bed on Sunday. It just makes the week run smoother!
A few plans for the rest of the week: JP has a bike race on Wednesday night so we do the whole kid handoff thing at the race. I have Bunco on Saturday night . . . that's about it!
21 February 2009
This afternoon The Little Guy was out back playing with a friend and JP was off on his bike with a friend and I was cleaning (shocking) and I went looking for Pickle. She had just been playing so sweetly in her newly floored room and I wanted to try and snap a picture of her but I couldn't find her. One quick glance to my left and this is what I found:
It's actually not a bad place to keep her contained!
19 February 2009
Favorite Blogs
So I have a blog and I like to read blogs . . . not a shocking revelation. One of the newest ones I found is www.Dooce.com which is hysterical. I only read a few posts but just reading her "About" section had me peeing in my pants. I wish I could be irreverant on my blog as she is or like Jen Lancaster on www.jennsylvania.com (she wrote Bitter is the New Black and other books after she got the writing bug blogging many years ago). You may have heard of the woman from Dooce . . . she's the one that lost her job several years ago for blogging about people from work. Trust me . . . there are a few things you won't read about on my website . . . work and Junior League. Not to say I won't talk about Junior League - like, hey, get down to the Fairgrounds this weekend for our annual Rummage Sale; but you won't hear me replay any of the drama. Not that there is drama in the Junior League . . . we are just a nice group of woman working to better the community.
I think I'm going to like Dooce a lot because she is about my age and has a daughter about Brother's age and is pregnant currently (I am not!), but it's fun to read about other people's lives and know that they are pretty similar to the craziness at "Our Simple House."
My other daily must-read is The Pioneer Woman. She's a hoot and has great recipes. Check them out . . . I figure blogs are cheaper and faster and small doses of reading is about all I seem to have time for these days.
I think I'm going to like Dooce a lot because she is about my age and has a daughter about Brother's age and is pregnant currently (I am not!), but it's fun to read about other people's lives and know that they are pretty similar to the craziness at "Our Simple House."
My other daily must-read is The Pioneer Woman. She's a hoot and has great recipes. Check them out . . . I figure blogs are cheaper and faster and small doses of reading is about all I seem to have time for these days.
16 February 2009
Woman's Daybook - February 16th
Here is the link to The Simple Woman's Day Book:
FOR TODAY February 16th ...
Outside my window... it's dark now and supposedly clouds and rain are on their way.
I am thinking... that I just ate too many little peanut butter cups
I am thankful for... going out to eat so I didn't have to clean up after dinner.
From the kitchen... nothing today but we need to put a menu in place for the week.
I am wearing... t-shirt and sweater from my work outfit and jeans that I put on to go out.
I am creating... friendships . . . it's fun to re-connect with old friends on Facebook
I am going... to work this week and then working at Junior League Rummage this weekend.
I am reading... still reading The Kitchen Boy but I added a bunch of new books to my "to read" list so I need to get crackin'
I am hoping... we can wrap up Pickle's room this week. Floors in but need baseboards now.
I am hearing... just the TV.
Around the house... toys and chairs on tables.
One of my favorite things... snuggling into bed.
A few plans for the rest of the week: work and working out.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
We have a Fisher Price Little People Exhibit at our Zoo right now. Pickle was a big fan!
FOR TODAY February 16th ...
Outside my window... it's dark now and supposedly clouds and rain are on their way.
I am thinking... that I just ate too many little peanut butter cups
I am thankful for... going out to eat so I didn't have to clean up after dinner.
From the kitchen... nothing today but we need to put a menu in place for the week.
I am wearing... t-shirt and sweater from my work outfit and jeans that I put on to go out.
I am creating... friendships . . . it's fun to re-connect with old friends on Facebook
I am going... to work this week and then working at Junior League Rummage this weekend.
I am reading... still reading The Kitchen Boy but I added a bunch of new books to my "to read" list so I need to get crackin'
I am hoping... we can wrap up Pickle's room this week. Floors in but need baseboards now.
I am hearing... just the TV.
Around the house... toys and chairs on tables.
One of my favorite things... snuggling into bed.
A few plans for the rest of the week: work and working out.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
15 February 2009
Happy Valentine's Day Part 3 (or The Last Romantic Thing JP Did)
PLEASE DON'T MISS OUT ON THE OTHER POSTS FROM TODAY . . . they are below this one.
So since we are on the Valentine's topic I thought I would share with everyone the last romantic thing JP did which occurred on V-Day 3 years ago. He gave me this card:
Which opened to read
I know this card is crappy and on recycled paper, but it is the thought that counts right? We both know I am the absolute worst gift giver in North America. You aren't getting flowers by the way so don't sit around waiting. What I do have for you is probably going to be a bit of a shock. It was very hard to keep it from you and plan around you, but what you get is a . . . .
Vacation to a place that uses this map!
Happy Valentine's Day and we leave tomorrow!
Yes, I was in shock. For him to plan anything is amazing but for him to plan a trip to go snowboarding without my help was truly shocking. He had asked me to take a day off from work so he could take part in the 3-day stage race that happens every Valentine's weekend here. He then arranged for one of our friends to spend the weekend taking care of the Little Guy and even for one of our other friends to take the day off from work to watch him.
It was a great surprise and we did have a lot of fun that weekend. He bought himself many Valentine's and Anniversaries before he has to come up with something great again.
Thanks Hon!
So since we are on the Valentine's topic I thought I would share with everyone the last romantic thing JP did which occurred on V-Day 3 years ago. He gave me this card:
Happy Valentine's Day and we leave tomorrow!
Yes, I was in shock. For him to plan anything is amazing but for him to plan a trip to go snowboarding without my help was truly shocking. He had asked me to take a day off from work so he could take part in the 3-day stage race that happens every Valentine's weekend here. He then arranged for one of our friends to spend the weekend taking care of the Little Guy and even for one of our other friends to take the day off from work to watch him.
It was a great surprise and we did have a lot of fun that weekend. He bought himself many Valentine's and Anniversaries before he has to come up with something great again.
Thanks Hon!
Happy Valentine's Day Part 2
We had a very low-key Valentine's Day. It has never really been my favorite holiday and JP and I don't really do much to celebrate. We cooked a really nice meal at home . . . steak, potatoes, fresh green beans, bread, and JP made home made raviolis in the shape of hearts. I meant to photograph the whole production but I was sidetracked.
Since we had this
we decided to invite our friend Kris to join us for Valentine's Dinner. And because we are who we are we also included these two knuckleheads:
And the whole thing ended like this:
What can I say . . . ?
Since we had this
Happy Valentine's Day
Pickle is a "dancer." She has been doing this for several months and it started in her high chair when she was eating. She sort of had this head swagger that said "what you talking about" kind of thing. Now any time she hears music she sways back and forth.
11 February 2009
"Because it is there." These words were purported to have been spoken by George Mallory when it was inquired of him as to his reason to climb mountains. If Pickle could speak I feel for certain that she would use a similar justification for her table topping exploits. Although on a worldly scale her feats pale in comparison to what Hillary, Mallory et. al. have accomplished, to her she is reaching the top of the world when she ascends a dangerous dining precipice. Although I feel somewhat guilty for squelching her desire to summit, I do not feel it is in her best health interest to allow her to assail unsupervised. I cannot actually help her down from on high as she is still too heavy for me to lift on a regular basis. It is for this reason that the dining room must now look like this.
09 February 2009
Daybook - February 9th
The Simple Woman's Daybook is sponsored by http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com
Outside my window... cold, dark clouds AND sunshine, more rain coming
I am thinking... I need a spa day.
I am thankful for... that my job affords me the chance to work from home when I need.
From the kitchen... made cookies and lemon squares, ham & bean soup, and roasted pork loin over the weekend.
I am wearing... jeans, t-shirt, sweater, & SOCKS because my feet are cold.
I am creating... who knows.
I am going... nowhere this week.
I am reading... same things as last week because I'm too tired to read these days.
I am hoping... JP heals soon so I can get back to the office and we can get back to life as normal.
I am hearing... Country music on my iPod . . . was just in the mood for Country for some reason.
Around the house... moved P's train stuff to his room and re-organized the play room once again . . . got rid of lots of baby toys and broken items!
One of my favorite things... my new bed.
A few plans for the rest of the week: take JP to his check-up tomorrow and then work, of course.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing... camera battery is charging so no picture today.
Outside my window... cold, dark clouds AND sunshine, more rain coming
I am thinking... I need a spa day.
I am thankful for... that my job affords me the chance to work from home when I need.
From the kitchen... made cookies and lemon squares, ham & bean soup, and roasted pork loin over the weekend.
I am wearing... jeans, t-shirt, sweater, & SOCKS because my feet are cold.
I am creating... who knows.
I am going... nowhere this week.
I am reading... same things as last week because I'm too tired to read these days.
I am hoping... JP heals soon so I can get back to the office and we can get back to life as normal.
I am hearing... Country music on my iPod . . . was just in the mood for Country for some reason.
Around the house... moved P's train stuff to his room and re-organized the play room once again . . . got rid of lots of baby toys and broken items!
One of my favorite things... my new bed.
A few plans for the rest of the week: take JP to his check-up tomorrow and then work, of course.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing... camera battery is charging so no picture today.
07 February 2009
05 February 2009
The biggest challenge is when she is awake and I can't take eyes off of her for a second. She climbs on the oven door, tables, chairs, and whatever she can find. I can't sit to work when she's awake because she climbs on the chair and stands behind me. I have to move my office to the half wall by the front door so she can't get her hands on my computer and the chairs can be put on top of the table.
Needless to say I am squeezing out every work minute of the day to make sure I am getting my things accomplished. The past two days I have started work before 7am and kept going right until dinner is ready. The best part about it is I don't have to commute, but I really hope JP is able to start lifting her by next Monday so I can get back to my "real" office.
03 February 2009
The Patient is Home!

The facility (Scottsdale Healthcare) was really great and they had the whole system down pat. It was staffed by many volunteers and it was the volunteer's job to keep track of visitors. They had my cell number and kept track of when I went to the cafeteria and even wrote down what I was wearing so they could call me by name. I was also impressed with how precise the timing was . . . they told him when to check in and what time his surgery would start and what time the doctor would talk to me and then what time they would get me for instructions and to take him home.
He was amazingly lucid when I saw him post-surgery. All he wanted to talk about was food (and coffee)! The anesthesiologist suggested clear foods only and to ease back into his normal eating habits but he tired of saltines and Jello right about the time dinner was ready. I am confident he will recover quickly and will probably want to ride his bike this weekend. The tough part is keeping Pickle from climbing on him because she sees his lap as an open invitation and Dada never sits around this much!
There is so much waste in the health care industry so we decided to bring home some items that would have been otherwise thrown away. The surgeon initialed the side of JP's abdomen that would require cutting with a sterile pen that she opened right there then she planned to THROW IT AWAY! We asked if we could bring it home. JP also got these lovely socks as a souvenir!
02 February 2009
Daybook - February 2nd
The Simple Woman's Daybook is sponsored by http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/.
Outside my window... the sun is coming up and it is a crisp 44 degrees although it should climb into the 70's today.
I am thinking... that I need to have a productive day at work since I am not sure how the rest of the week will unfold.
I am thankful for... so many things. I am truly blessed.
From the learning rooms... I am listening to a lecture series about Benjamin Franklin.
From the kitchen... made lasagna and a Mexican lasagna casserole yesterday to freeze. I also baked a HUGE ham with savory flavors so we can eat it throughout the week.
I am wearing... my pajamas which I put back on after my shower.
I am creating... a happy and organized home.
I am going... to work today and hopefully for a hike afterward.
I am reading... The Kitchen Boy and trying to catch up on magazines.
I am hoping... JP recovers quickly from his surgery which is tomorrow.
I am hearing... Pickle playing with the very loud garbage truck.
Around the house... We are starting the week relatively clean!
One of my favorite things... sleeping in (to 7:00).
A few plans for the rest of the week: Josh's surgery tomorrow and then who knows??\Here is picture thought I am sharing..
It's a bit blurry but he is zooming by. I just love the pure joy on his face!
Outside my window... the sun is coming up and it is a crisp 44 degrees although it should climb into the 70's today.
I am thinking... that I need to have a productive day at work since I am not sure how the rest of the week will unfold.
I am thankful for... so many things. I am truly blessed.
From the learning rooms... I am listening to a lecture series about Benjamin Franklin.
From the kitchen... made lasagna and a Mexican lasagna casserole yesterday to freeze. I also baked a HUGE ham with savory flavors so we can eat it throughout the week.
I am wearing... my pajamas which I put back on after my shower.
I am creating... a happy and organized home.
I am going... to work today and hopefully for a hike afterward.
I am reading... The Kitchen Boy and trying to catch up on magazines.
I am hoping... JP recovers quickly from his surgery which is tomorrow.
I am hearing... Pickle playing with the very loud garbage truck.
Around the house... We are starting the week relatively clean!
One of my favorite things... sleeping in (to 7:00).
A few plans for the rest of the week: Josh's surgery tomorrow and then who knows??\Here is picture thought I am sharing..
01 February 2009
A Day at the Races and More
Where to begin . . . we have had another busy weekend and I have had much to blog about but am now getting it done at the 11th hour of the day.
Let's start with yesterday . . . Race Day. This was Little Guy's first chance to "race" without his training wheels and he did a great job. They are supposed to race only a short distance but he of course made a full lap and then another. It was a fun day and even Pickle enjoyed (and behaved) herself. I am continuously amazed at JP's friends and how good they are with our kids.
In the staging area . . .
Putting on his race face . . .
And they're off . . .
Coming in for the home stretch (of his full lap) . . .
Where's my bow?
He says he was having fun . . . .
Little Guy had his second soccer practice on Friday and he got his uniform:
We also finished the floor in Brother's room this week including buying a rug . . . which he LOVES. I have to admit it is pretty neat and he really likes it. We have to pick up all the cars each night but that's okay for now.
JP is having hernia surgery on Tuesday so this week will be a little busy. He is not supposed to lift anything heavy which will be tough considering Pickle is probabl close to 25 pounds by now. I am going to have to try and work from home so I can be there to lift her up to get her in bed, etc. I spent the weekend cooking to get ready not knowing what to expect this week and into the next. I think we are well stocked for dinners and lunches!
Let's start with yesterday . . . Race Day. This was Little Guy's first chance to "race" without his training wheels and he did a great job. They are supposed to race only a short distance but he of course made a full lap and then another. It was a fun day and even Pickle enjoyed (and behaved) herself. I am continuously amazed at JP's friends and how good they are with our kids.
Little Guy had his second soccer practice on Friday and he got his uniform:
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