05 February 2009

I have been working from home this week to take care of Pickle while JP is recovering. It has been a huge challenge for a couple of reasons but mainly because Pickle is such a terror! Here is a picture of my"office" today. I had to work outside while she napped this morning because evidently I am a loud talker. It's not so bad having to work outside . . . I am pretty lucky that it was a nice day and probably somewhere between 60 and 65 in the shade where I sat this morning. It was having to squeeze in among the dead plants, dirt, and used paint supplies that turned me off a bit.

The biggest challenge is when she is awake and I can't take eyes off of her for a second. She climbs on the oven door, tables, chairs, and whatever she can find. I can't sit to work when she's awake because she climbs on the chair and stands behind me. I have to move my office to the half wall by the front door so she can't get her hands on my computer and the chairs can be put on top of the table.

Needless to say I am squeezing out every work minute of the day to make sure I am getting my things accomplished. The past two days I have started work before 7am and kept going right until dinner is ready. The best part about it is I don't have to commute, but I really hope JP is able to start lifting her by next Monday so I can get back to my "real" office.

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